
Submissions from 2022


Mycotic aortic aneurysm: A rare etiology of septic shock, K. M. Bowers, V. Mudrakola, and C. M. Lloyd

Transforming how medical professionals see regulatory boards, one student at a time, J. Brinkley, B. Walker, and C. M. Khandelwal


A pruritic eyelid lesion followed by conjunctival swelling, Eun Young Choi, A D. Proia, and Kyle Kirkland


The COVID-19 Community Research Partnership: a multistate surveillance platform for characterizing the epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, COVID-19 Community Research Partnership


Anticardiolipin antibodies presenting with acute renal infarction in a healthy 26-year-old female, C. Cross and J. J. Cappola

Childhood adversity and chronic pain experience among U.S. military personnel, P. A. Culp, J. S. Ee, R. Agnello, J. A. Harter, Z. J. Bevis, and M. H. Chang

Assessing validity and reproducibility of goniometry: establishing the use of a markerless video motion capture system, C. A. Dean, T. M. Motyka, R. J. Schell, and A. D. Foster

Assessing Validity and Reproducibility of Goniometry: Establishing the Use of a Markerless Video Motion Capture System, C. A. Dean, T. M. Motyka, R. J. Schell, and A. D. Foster

Investigating the mechanism of prolotherapy: the fibroblast response to dextrose in vitro, C. Dean, A. van Nispen, R. Repetti, T. Motyka, and A. Hinkelman

Optimizing the synergistic effect of CuWO4-CuS hybrid composites for photocatalytic inactivation of pathogenic bacteria, X Dong, R. Katz, B. Chitara, L. Yang, R. E. Schaak, and F. Yan


Optimizing the synergistic effect of CuWO4-CuS hybrid composites for photocatalytic inactivation of pathogenic bacteria, X. Dong, R. Katz, B. Chitara, L. Yang, R. E. Schaak, and F. Yan


Rose Bengal-Integrated Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers for Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria, X. Dong, D. G. Mitchell, M. Y. G. Cervantes, B. Chitara, Y. Yang, and F. Yan


Photoactivated carbon dots inducing bacterial functional and molecular alterations, X. Dong, P. Wang, C. E. Rodriguez, Y. Tang, J. P. Darby, Y-P Sun, and L. Yang

Diversity among the IAMSE medical educator fellowship program graduates, K. Eldeeb

Perception of pharmacology instruction and confidence in independent prescription among osteopathic medical graduating seniors, K. Eldeeb

Medical student research engagement and residency match in the United States, K. Eldeeb and G. Dogbey


The potential role of neurofilament light in mild traumatic brain injury diagnosis: A systematic review, C. D. Farragher, Y. Ku, and J. Powers

A curriculum for integrating laparoscopic and arthroscopic imaging within the preclinical phase of medical education, C. Fink

Online education as a strategy for leadership development and burnout prevention, K. Finlay-Tozzi, V. Kaprielian, and C. M. Khandelwal

Factors associated with chronic pain in U.S. Army soldiers, J. Fitzpatrick, J. Ee, R. Agnello, A. Francis, A. Poch, A. Poch, and M. H. Chang

Using evidence-based arguments to debate research news, C. Francis-Martin, A. Hinkelman, T. Mitchell, and B. Brenseke

Evaluation of the burn patient, E. A. Gignac

Minor emergencies for primary care providers, E. A. Gignac

Diphenylpryraline analogues behave as cannabinoid 1 receptor agonists, J. J. Harp, K. Eldeeb, and T. Reeves


Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB), R. D. Hill and P. N. Vaidya

Breaking free and embracing your rock star self, A. Hinkelman

What’s Good?, A. Hinkelman

COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines, and boosters: Where are we now?, A. Hinkelman and D. Tillman

Carolina's faith in the vaccine: Q&A session, A. Hinkelman, D. Tillman, and J. White

Equity and inclusion in health professions education, B. W. Holmes

A comparison of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and self-reported uptake and knowledge of other immunizations, I. Ibrahim, N. Ribak, C. Penley, G. Dogbey, D. R. Tillman, and A. Hinkelman


Mönckeberg sclerosis with giant cells as a masquerade of giant cell arteritis, Andrew Johannemann, A D. Proia, and Lisa Criscione-Schreiber

Online faculty development as burnout prevention, V. Kaprielian and C. M. Khandelwal

Exploring the utility of anti-tNASP antibodies as a cancer screening biomarker in prostate, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer, M. Kasmann, X. Yi, Z. Vaskalis, and O. M. Alekseev

Nasal morphology and energetic demands: A test of the Respiratory-Energetics Hypothesis, A. P. Kelly and S. D. Maddux

Nasal morphology and energetic demands: A test of the respiratory-energetics hypothesis, A. P. Kelly and S. D. Maddux

Variability in skeletal body mass across ecogeographically diverse human groups, A. P. Kelly and S. D. Maddux

Variability in skeletal body mass across ecogeographically diverse human groups, A. P. Kelly and S. D. Maddux

Cultural competence in medicine, C. M. Khandelwal

Duke University, leadership, and the changing landscape of health care, C. M. Khandelwal

Ethical decision-making in medical care, C. M. Khandelwal

Leading and managing through change, C. M. Khandelwal

Regulatory Immersion Series (RIMS) NCMB’s Premiere Outreach Program, C. M. Khandelwal

Sustaining regulation in uncertain times: Stress and burnout, C. M. Khandelwal, M. Alexander, and I. Bernstein

Diversity and Inclusivity in the Care of Older Adults, C. M. Khandelwal and P. Beyle

A partnership in interprofessional training in EOL care, C. M. Khandelwal, J. Stanek, and D. Kelsey


Multiple cranial neuropathies as the initial presentation of primary ductal adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland, Jane S. Kim, A D. Proia, Jason Liss, Joel Morgenlander, and Landon C. Meekins


Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, M. Krugh and P. N. Vaidya


A look into the AP statistics classroom: Who teaches it and what aspects of statistics do they emphasize?, H. S. Lee, Z. T. Vaskalis, D. J. Stokes, and T. R. Harrison


Apolipoprotein E4 impairs the response of neurodegenerative retinal microglia and prevents neuronal loss in glaucoma, Milica A. Margeta, Zhuoran Yin, Charlotte Madore, Kristen M. Pitts, Sophia M. Letcher, Jing Tang, Shuhong Jiang, Christian D. Gauthier, Sebastian R. Silveira, Caitlin M. Schroeder, Eleonora M. Lad, A D. Proia, Rudolph E. Tanzi, David M. Holtzman, Susanne Krasemann, Dong Feng Chen, and Oleg Butovsky


Impact of medical student participation in student-run clinics on education, residency selection, and patient care: a review of selected articles, E. McCray, W. R. Atkinson, C. E. McCray, Z. Hubler, Y. Maher, R. Waguia, M. Kearney, and V. S. Kaprielian


Faculty development advancements: lessons learned in a time of change, S. Minor, A. Berry, U. Luhanga, W. Chen, J. Drowos, M. Rudd, V. S. Kaprielian, J. M. Bailey, and S. Gupta


Reported completion of the USMLE Step 1 and match outcomes among senior osteopathic students in 2020, D. M. Nikolla, C. Stratford, and K. M. Bowers


Response to “Reported completion of the USMLE Step 1 and match outcomes among senior osteopathic students in 2020”, D. M. Nikolla, C. V. Stratford, and K. M. Bowers


Commentary on "Physical literacy in elementary physical education: A survey of fundamental movement skill practice patterns", C. D. Noonan, D. K. Sekerak, and B. W. Holmes

Demographic factors influencing vaccine hesitancy and sources of trust in a rural population, C. Penley, I. Ibrahim, N. Ribak, G. Dogbey, D. R. Tillman, and A. Hinkelman

Behavior modification in obesity treatment, N. J. Pennings

Fundamentals of obesity medicine, N. J. Pennings

Fundamentals on obesity medicine, N. J. Pennings

Integrating obesity medicine into medical education, N. J. Pennings

Introduction to advanced cases in obesity, N. J. Pennings

Obesity bias education: ACGME-based competencies and teaching strategies, N. J. Pennings

Pro-motion of physical activity, N. J. Pennings


Sleep-disordered breathing, sleep apnea, and other obesity-related sleep disorders: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement (CPS) 2022, N. J. Pennings, L. Golden, K. Yashi, J. Tondt, and H. E. Bays


WIN55212-2 modulates intracellular calcium via CB1 receptor-dependent and independent mechanisms in neuroblastoma cells, V. M. Pulgar, A. C. Howlett, and K. Eldeeb

Best practices & new tools for teaching what every student needs to know about palliative care, B. Reville, S. Merel, and C. M. Khandelwal

A comparison of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and self-reported uptake and knowledge of other immunizations, N. Ribak, I. Ibrahim, C. Penley, G. Dogbey, D. R. Tillman, and A. Hinkelman

Posterior osteochondral defect in a softball player, K. Russell

Posterior osteochondral defect in a softball player, K. Russell

Scaphoid fracture requiring surgical fixation in a soccer player, K. Russell

Scaphoid fracture requiring surgical fixation in a soccer player, K. Russell

Ulnar collateral ligament tear in a football player, K. Russell

The most dangerous animal, J. T. Sparks


Dubin Johnson Syndrome, Z. J. Talaga and P. N. Vaidya

Myxedema coma in the setting of methimazole and aripiprazole, K. Tipton and E. A. Gignac


Self-Reported SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Is Consistent with Electronic Health Record Data among the COVID-19 Community Research Partnership, A. H. Tjaden, L. M. Fette, S. L. Edelstein, M. Gibbs, A. Hinkelman, M. Runyon, R. P. Santos, W. S. Weintraub, J. Yukich, D. Uschner, and COVID-19 Community Research Partnership Study Group

Chronic kidney disease - an overview, P. N. Vaidya

Chronic kidney disease - an overview, P. N. Vaidya

Screening for CKD: why, whom & how, P. N. Vaidya


Atheroembolic kidney disease, P. N. Vaidya and N. A. Finnigan


Scleroderma and renal crisis, P. N. Vaidya, N. A. Finnigan, and B. Baisyal


Page kidney, P. N. Vaidya, N. A. Finnigan, and B. M. Rathi

Innovations in virtual learning for clinical skills and simulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, B. Vargas, C. Daniels, A. Lee, J. Powers, and E. A. Gignac

Elevated levels of anti-tNASP antibody: potential biomarker for lung and thyroid malignant tumors, M. Walker, E. Yu, Z. Vaskalis, and O. M. Alekseev


Prolonged ethanol exposure modulates constitutive internalization and recycling of 5-HT1A receptors, S. Wang, H. Liu, J. B. Roberts, A. P. Wiley, B. F. Marayati, K. L. Adams, D. J. Luessen, K. Eldeeb, H. Sun, K. Zhang, and R. Chen

Virtual reconstruction of 3D skeletal anatomy: A comparison of two methodologies, A. Warner, A. P. Kelly, and S. D. Maddux

Virtual reconstruction of 3D skeletal anatomy: A comparison of two methodologies, A. Warner, A. P. Kelly, and S. D. Maddux

Virtual reconstruction of 3D skeletal anatomy: A comparison of two methodologies, A. Warner, A. P. Kelly, and S. D. Maddux


Analysis of Accumulated SARS-CoV-2 Seroconversion in North Carolina: The COVID-19 Community Research Partnership, J. Williamson; T. Wierzba; M. Santacatterina; I. Munawar; A. Seals; C. Ballard; M. Alexander-Miller; M. Runyon; L. McCurdy; M. Gibbs; A, Ahmed; W. Lagarde; P. Maguire; R. King-Thiele; T. Hamrick; A. Ihmedian; S. Henderson; D. Uschner; D. Herrington; and J. Sanders

Potential cancer screening biomarker - anti-tNASP antibodies exploration in prostate, pancreatic, and ovarian cancers, X. Yi, M. Kasmenn, Z. Vaskalis, and O. M. Alekseev

Convergent adaptation to climate extremes in bear and human nasal anatomy, T. R. Yokley, A. P. Kelly, and S. D. Maddux


Only the good die old: Ontogeny of locomotor performance in cottontail rabbits., J. W. Young, A. D. Foster, G. A. Smith, and M. T. Butcher


3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione suppresses LPS-induced proinflammatory responses in macrophages: potential involvement of antioxidant induction, NF-κB, and Nrf2, Hong Zhu, An Bui, Arben Santo, and Y R. Li

Submissions from 2021

ABCs of acupuncture, R. Agnello

Integrative medicine lecture: Introduction, R. Agnello

Case study of acute pyelonephritis and discussion of diagnosis, treatment, and complications in elderly., A. Amare, L. Ash, S. Saju, N. Segel, A. Proia, and A. Hinkelman

A case study of cervical cancer and discussion of self-screening for HPV in underserved populations., B. Bauer, G. Bauer, N. Bowen, A. Brackins, A. Proia, and A. Hinkelman

Eating with the experts: COVID-19 vaccines, R. Bell, A. Hinkelman, and D. Tillman

Eating with the experts: COVID-19 vaccines, R. Bell, A. Hinkelman, D. Tillman, and L. Watson


Cannabinoid receptor-interacting protein 1a (CRIP1a) interacts with myristoylated Gαi-N-terminus via a unique gapped β-barrel structure, W. T. Booth, J. E. Clodfelter, S. Leone-Kabler, E. K. Hughes, K. Eldeeb, A. C. Howlett, and W. T. Lowther