Teaching experience survey of junior pharmacy practice faculty

A. M. Nye, S. H. Fuller, Ann Marie Nye

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstractpeer-review


<p> Objectives: The study determined self rating of teaching skills upon acceptance of an academic position in a school of pharmacy, improvement in teaching skills since academic appointment, and when and how faculty learned how to teach.</p><p> Method: An anonymous electronic survey was sent to Assistant Professors of Pharmacy Practice who have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree with an e-mail address listed in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) online directory. Faculty with . 4 years experience or who exited the survey without submitting answers were excluded. Selfassessment of current teaching skills were compared to the skills upon acceptance of an academic position using the Wilcox Rank Sum test.</p><p> Results: Of 776 faculty, 123 completed the survey with 73% female, 88% residency trained, and 68% at public institutions. Faculty learned how to teach during a BS/MS degree (7%), PharmD degree (32%), PGY-1 residency (59%), PGY-2 residency (40%), clinical position (46%), &filig;rst year faculty position (74%), and years 2-4 of faculty appointment (46%). 63% of faculty had training as a teacher during a residency program with 82% recommending the program. Of the 45 that did not complete a residency teaching program, 30% did not complete a residency and 65% were not offered a teaching program. 66% respondents had a mentor with 42% of them meeting their mentor at their current institution. Only 46% had a teaching portfolio.</p><p> Implications: Based on the study, recommendations are to increase teaching programs in residencies and encourage re&fllig;ection of teaching skills in a teaching portfolio</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAmerican Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
StatePublished - Jul 18 2009


  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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