Projects per year
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Search results
Listeriosis Pathogenesis: Effect of Serogroup-Specific Wall Teichoic Acid Changes
Hamrick, T. (CoI) & Orndorff, P. E. (CoI)
NIH, Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institute
1/1/13 → 1/1/15
Project: Research project
Live oral Listeria vaccine vector
Hamrick, T. (CoI) & Orndorff, P. E. (CoI)
NIH, Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institute
1/1/09 → 1/1/12
Project: Research project
Immunogenicity of an attenuated Listeria monocytogenes bacteriophage resistant mutant
Hamrick, T. (CoI) & Orndorff, P. E. (CoI)
NIH, Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institute
1/1/09 → 1/1/12
Project: Research project
Listeroisis in the pregnant mouse
Hamrick, T. (CoI) & Orndorff, P. E. (CoI)
NIH, Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institute
1/1/06 → 1/1/07
Project: Research project
Antibacterial function of intestinal mast cells
Hamrick, T. (PI) & Hamrick, T. S. (CoI)
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease, UNC-Chapel Hill
1/1/99 → 1/1/00
Project: Research project