Personal profile


Dr. Qinfeng “Sarah” Liu joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in 2008. Dr. Liu serves as course director or instructor for PHSC220/220L Quantitative Laboratory Techniques, PHSC410 Analytical Instrumentation, PHSC528 & PHSC530 Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis – Separation & Spectroscopy, PHSC526 Protein Analysis and Bioassay in the BS and MS programs. In addition, Dr. Liu advises MS students to conduct PHSC610 Research Proposal, PHSC620 Research Project, and PHSC504 Advanced Research. 

Dr. Liu’s current research focus is to develop pediatric formulations and formulation of protein and gene therapies. She is also interested in targeted drug delivery and disease biomarker discovery, as well as collaborative bioanalysis research, particularly using hyphenated high performance liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Dr. Liu has published more than fifteen peer-reviewed journal articles and numerous meeting abstracts. Dr. Liu has received multiple grants as PI or co-PI for extramural and intramural funds since she joined Campbell University. Dr. Liu is a member of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), American Chemical Society (ACS), and American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS).

Education/Academic qualification

Chemistry, PhD, The University of Toledo

… → 2005

Fine Organic Chemistry, MS, East China University of Science and Technology

… → 1996

Fine Organic Chemistry, BS, East China University of Science and Technology

… → 1993


  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences