Personal profile


Dr. Nancy Duffy is Professor and Director of the BSN Program at Campbell University. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for teaching excellence, including the 2007 SC Governor’s Professor of the Year Award for Senior Colleges and Universities, NC Great 100 Nurses and the SC Palmetto Gold.

She has co-authored 20 simulations that are available in the Laerdal Sim Store. Dr. Duffy was a co-investigator on a research study that examined the use of peer led simulation experiences. Her current research focus is on enhancing academic success through deliberate seating based on learning preference and motivational readiness to learn.

Education/Academic qualification

Nursing Practice, D.Sc., Rush University

… → 2009

Nursing, M.S., University of North Carolina, Charlotte

… → 1992

Nursing, B.S., Bradley University

… → 1976


  • Nursing