Alicia Myers teaches New Testament and Greek. She earned her PhD from Baylor University in 2010. Prior to joining the faculty at Campbell, she taught at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH. A constant feature of her research is an interest in how Greco-Roman rhetoric and literatures can aid our understanding of the New Testament, especially the Gospel of John. Her most recent book explores presentations of mothers and maternal metaphors in the New Testament and is published with Oxford University Press, Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament (2017). Her current book project is a commentary on the Gospel and Letters of John for the Reading the New Testament Series (Smyth & Helwys).
Her dissertation focused on the role of the Old Testament in presenting the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John; it is published in the Library of New Testament Studies series as Characterizing Jesus (2012). She continued her work on the Old Testament in the Gospel of John by co-editing, with Dr. Bruce G. Schuchard, a volume highlighting various perspectives on John’s use of Scripture titled Abiding Words (SBL Press, 2015). She has published articles in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Journal of Biblical Literature, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Biblica, and Perspectives in Religious Studies, and a number of essays in collected volumes, as well as contributions focused more on the concerns of pastors in Lectionary Homiletics, Christian Reflection, and Feasting on the Gospels. She is co-chair of the Johannine Literature Unit of the Society of Biblical Literature and a member of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion.